Katy Hargrove –

Personal Stylist

Elevate Your Style

Katy Hargrove –

Personal Stylist

Elevate Your Style

1 on 1 Personal Styling & Coaching

Style is far more than outward appearance. Style influences our mood, self esteem and confidence.  From our home decor, to our hairstyles, to our clothes, Style has the power to make us feel like the best version of ourselves. That is at the very heart of everything I do and it is why I love it so much. I know the value it bings to our mindsets and the influence it has over how we feel about ourselves and our lives.


I’m Katy

Styling has always come naturally to me be it with family, friends, clients or even strangers at stores that want an opinion! I believe style is always subjective and approach each client with fresh ideas based on their own current style, or the ideal style they wish to achieve. I am able to bounce fluidly between styles because my own personal style ranges from Classical Chic to High-End Chic to Boho Chic, and on! I love style in all its forms and can help you find the very best looks for your own personal style (or styles!). Just as I am able to channel whatever look you desire, I am equally able to shop in every venue imaginable on any budget imaginable- online and in person: Boutique, designer,  eBay, Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, chain stores, vintage shops, consignment and yes, even thrift! You would be amazed at the pieces I find all the time at thrift stores (it bodes well for us that  most of the time, the people pricing these items do not know the full value of what they have in their hand!!) I do not mark up any item I find you. What I pay is what you pay! My clients have such diverse bodies types and preferences. I have always fluctuated weight and have had to style my own body in various stages and have loved every single one. I am there to make everyone feel 1) comfortable, and 2) empowered. 

How It Works

By the end of each styling job, my clients have received an intense amount of effort and enthusiasm from me because it is my very favorite thing to do and it never feels like “work.” Because of this reason, I offer a flat monthly fee to my clients so that I am free to spend as many hours as I want or need to curate the exact looks you receive from me. I believe hourly rates put constraints on both the client and stylist. With my monthly packages, you are free to choose up front the cost of my services based on which tier you select. That way, you can always stay within your budget while ensuring you get the very best service. For example, if you would like unlimited access with me from everything to unlimited screenshots of cute looks to daily outfit checks with me whenever you need, to unlimited online shopping by me (and I do all the work! The research, the bidding, the footwork, and even all the returns!), then you can select the platinum monthly package that comes with all of that plus much more. Every single package includes an in person closet Evaluation and an in person final Incorporation. The Evaluation is when you introduce me to your style preferences and we evaluate what pieces you need to incorporate and what pieces you already have that can be paired with existing pieces for a fresh look. The Incorporation is where we will come together and go over all that we have acquired over the shopping period and I help you make outfits and show you how to mix and match the new pieces with your existing ones. That is always such a fun day! Please refer to my PRICING section to select the package that best fits your budget and needs. I have also included some looks of myself and current clients to give a small idea of what we can achieve together. I can’t wait to get to know you and help you feel more confident in who you already are. Reach out to me anytime, I’m always here for any questions!

Fashion Made Easy

Want to Schedule a free consultation?

Monthly Pricing

Platinum Package: $700  

(best value for your time as this is typically wrapped up in a month, pending client communication times)

-Initial wardrobe evaluation to see what you have and what we need and gauge your likes/dislikes. Also includes a short sit down with looks I have tentatively found based on your questionnaire. It allows me to get to know your style more intimately.

-4 one hour in person shopping days.

-Unlimited online shopping by me.

-Unlimited receipt of ideas from you, bidding on items when applicable, tracking purchases once purchased, handling disputes/concerns with purchase/returns (returns stand for any brick and mortar store as well. Who has time to take back things that didn’t work?)

-Unlimited texting both ways, 24 hours a day.

-Unlimited opinions on anything you send me online for ideas, opinions on outfits you’ve put together that day, etc. 

-Final in home wardrobe incorporation with the new pieces purchased to put together outfit ideas and tips so you feel confident going forward. Includes pictures of outfit pairings sent to you the day of final incorporation for referral on those days you are tired and don’t care and need something easy! This step will also include closet organization.

Gold Package -$500 


-Initial wardrobe evaluation to see what you have and what we need and gauge your likes/dislikes. Also includes a short sit down with looks I have tentatively found based on your questionnaire. It allows me to get to know your style more intimately.

-2 one hour in person shopping days. 

-Unlimited online shopping by me.

-Unlimited ideas from me as well as research, price comparing, and purchasing. Does not include returns or disputes. 

-Unlimited texting both ways 7 days a week during the hours of 6am-5pm

-Final in home wardrobe incorporation with the new pieces purchased to put together outfit ideas and tips so you feel confident going forward. 

Silver Package: $300  

-Initial wardrobe evaluation to see what you have and what we need and gauge your likes/dislikes. Also includes a short sit down with looks I have tentatively found based on your questionnaire. It allows me to get to know your style more intimately.

-Unlimited online shopping/look gathering by me.

-9am -5pm business day window for texts or calls on information exchange of looks found, questions, even daily outfit advice.

-Final 30 min in home wardrobe Incorporation to mix the new looks in with the old to create fresh, new ways of wearing your clothes. 


Bronze Package -$200 


(best value for continuing support over several months)

-Initial wardrobe evaluation to see what you have and what we need and gauge your likes/dislikes. Also includes a short sit down with looks I have tentatively found based on your questionnaire. It allows me to get to know your style more intimately.

-Online Pinterest board curated by me with the looks and pieces you will need to update your closet as well achieve the desired style. 

-Pieces from said board sourced for prices as well as cheaper similar options sent to you electronically.

-Final 30 min in home wardrobe Incorporation to mix the new looks in with the old to create fresh, new ways of wearing your clothes.

A la carte services:


-Closet organization, up tp 2 hours. Includes outfit pairings. $70

-Creation of Pinterest board based on your style. Will contain many look inspirations for your preferred style, sent digitally within a week of commission. $70

-In person consult, up to 2 hours – includes wardrobe analysis and real time advice on what you will need to take your style that next step further!- $80

-1 Hour in person shopping day (especially great for former monthly clients as upkeep, must be used in 1 hour increments) $50

-2 Hour in person shopping day (must be used in 2 hour increments)- $75

-Event Styling: Gala looks, cocktail parties, weddings, prom, any event you find yourself attending, I’m here to help you choose the appropriate attire that makes you look your absolute best. Includes three 1 hour in person shopping days as well as online shopping by me, up to 2 weeks time total. – $225

Feel free to contact me with any other ideas you may have for services and we can absolutely work something out with timing and pricing! The goal is for me to be available for any need you may have regarding your personal style. 

** All time estimates depend on client participation and reply times. My goal for the monthly services is to ideally have you ready to go in a month! The timeline may look something like: First week is eval, shopping. Second week, shopping and purchasing. Third week Purchasing and waiting on ship times where applicable, 4th week is unboxing and final incorporation.

  — Charges for subsequent days after month end, up to 5 days, is prorated. After that, they become a second month charge. 

Let’s get in touch!